[ Mysteries ] A story Of ghost House | Horrors story

A Mysteries story Of ghost House[Part 2] | Horrors story 

Friends, as in the previous story, we found out that there is a room in the haunted mansion leading to many caves and there is a treasure and also its owner who is familiarizing himself with the name of a magician.
So let me tell you what happened next ?

We have freed the magician from that captivity, so he told us that take as much gold, silver and diamonds as pearls, this is a gift from me, then we said that there is no need. After saying this, we asked about him, he said that this mansion is his and it has been cursed by a tantric and since then this mansion came to be known as Bhootiya Haveli and whoever comes here would have died. And his soul is imprisoned here and he also becomes a ghost. After saying all this, he said, do one more help, so what did we say, he said that my magic wand which is in captivity, so we spoke, tell it, we have brought it from there, the magician said that all these People cannot bring him three boys of Aries, who will be full of three different dolls, so we told him about us because we were three and all three of our friends were of Aries and we were single. Wife were on what qualities do they did not know us, we talked to him about our.

So he said that yes you are the only people but there is quality inside you but there is also some amazing power. Which I cannot tell. We prayed a lot but did not say that he said that you will know when the right time comes. Now we did not ask anything about ourselves and asked him about that magic wand where he said that it is not easy to bring it, yet if you want to go, then I said that there is a cave at some distance from here. As you go in that cave, you will be asked some questions if answered. So you will find a way to go ahead, we did it the same way, he asked a riddle, so we told you and he let us go. She will ask you to speak to the chants seven times, after that she will send you to the next way, then we did the same way and we found the way and going that way she has Scope The items of three different types.  Which is like this, 1 la one gold key, 2 one frog  3 rd one paper, give all these and bid that now go on your way and these items are not worth it. So we said okay let's go now. Now we walked away from him and found a tree on the way that said, "Answer me only then I will be able to eat you, or else I will ask you now, then we asked him to go ahead and say whatever tree you get, take the key and give the key." Pay attention to give, you will get 3 chances, if you lose that tree will eat you and will make you a tree.

After hearing all this, we got a little surprised and upset but we said that leave and let's move forward, and we went ahead, now we also found the tree which was on the way, he said "Bolade jo bole tu" Said that "take the key, take it", he said that he left the way and said "give de key de de jo ho me jo", what did we do that we had three things, one of my friends thought that He gave me the key to gold Or turned to the tree saying uttered by giving give keys that would connect me "" It's so we thought What is the key of this, now we had only two items, 1 paper and 2 frogs, having given him that paper, he took that paper and gave us the gold key and gave way and he also gave 2 fruits. And said don't eat it, it will work for you. Now we went ahead and after walking for a few hours showed a well, so we thought that let's drink water because we were thirsty. As soon as we poured a bucket in it for water, nothing came out. He said, "You should pour the water of your drink, your sweet voice" What would we do now?

 So we thought that we would listen to this song, now what would we do because we did not even sing the song, but one of our friends sang it because no one else knew it but he sang but did not make a good note because we ate something for a few days. Even if it was not there, we thought that one should eat the fruit that the tree had given to us and one of us ate it which was bad and he threw it in that well, so he gave us water to drink because it was bad. I had to leave a sweet little tune was fake in it. Now we drank water and got out of it and proceeded towards the floor. 

In this story, what happens in the next story will tell in the 3rd part of this story and how we got that magic wand. Friends, see you goodbye until next story, good bye friends.

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