history of Bhul Bhulaiya , Lucknow

The history of Bhul Bhulaiya

Friends today, we are going to talk in this post of Lucknow's Labyrinth. Friends forget about Lucknow, who by his own name makes it known that it is a place of labyrinth and there is something special there too, friends, let's proceed this post

The Labyrinth of Lucknow is an integral part of the Imambara spread over a 105 meter radius in the upper part of the big Imambara, which is not only Lucknow but also trained all over the world. A labyrinth is a complex system of hundreds of paths and tunnels in which one can easily get confused. Bada Imambada was built by Asaf ud Daula, the fourth Nawab of Lucknow for the purpose of providing employment to the people of Awadh suffering from famine.

Let those who do not know tell me Imambada does not call any mosque or dargah, but it is a holy hall (hall) where people of Shia Muslim sect gather and mourn on the day of Muharram. Muharram is celebrated on the anniversary of the death of Hussein Ali, the grandson of Mohammad ibn Abdullah, who was killed in the Battle of Karbala.

Nawab Asaf ud Daulah was a very generous person and there was a saying about him, 'Whosoever de maula, him de' Asaf ud daulah '. In 1784, there was a severe famine in Lucknow, the entire Awadh rash became obsolete, then the people went to the Nawab to ask for help, then advised the Nawab Saheb in his waziro that he should distribute the amount deposited in the treasury to the poor. But Nawab Saheb believed that by sharing money in such a bailout, people would get used to eating haram. So he started the construction work of a building to give employment, which was later named Bada Imambara.

Before the Imambara was built, Nawab Saheb organized a match to build its map which was won by a famous architect of Delhi, Kifayat Ullah. An Asafi mosque, step-well and labyrinth are also present in the premises of Imambara, built in 14 years as a part of their map. During the construction of Imbara, the residents of Laghbagh, Lucknow used to come to work, and it is believed that poor people used to build the building during the day and the rich high rank broke it in the night. The design was also prepared by Kifayat Ulla. It is believed that the well of this baoli used to receive water from a secret path from the river Gomti, and in that water the treasure map and key were also thrown.

Why was the labyrinth built?

Creating the labyrinth was the biggest challenge faced by the architects during the construction of the big Imambara. Because Nawab Saheb wanted to make the main hall of Imambara bigger (170 x 55 feet) without any pillar (PILLAR) so that more people could gather and pray in it. Now the challenge was that without the huge pillar of the pillar and the weight of the dome, how will this building be able to withstand?

After deliberating for several weeks, it was decided that the roof would be made hollow, which would reduce the weight of the roof, which the walls of the building would withstand without support. Then hundreds of doors were built on the roof, which are connected to each other and this wonderful creation was named Labyrinth.

To tell the truth, I had seen the maze for the first time, so I was a little scared because in childhood I used to hear stories that anyone who goes into them is lost, we have a maze in Narnaul in Haryana where the story of the loss of an entire procession is quite Is prevalent. But nothing like this happened in Lucknow, the doors are connected together, there are also jholes in the middle so after spending some time, you can come out of the labyrinth.

Well, I was with the guide and I would advise you not to go alone, go with the guide, some false and some true stories will also be heard from them. Another interesting example is seen here, that idiom must have heard that walls also have ears? His example is the compound inside the big Imambara where the sound of matchbox burns is also heard from one corner to another.

On seeing the walls, it is known that the tourism department has forgotten the labyrinth, lime is falling in many places, the stones are uprooted and where the wall is not in shabby condition, some lovers have written on it. In total, some of the 1024 doors are closed and dilapidated, and gradually the rest is on the same verge.

The story of the buried treasure inside the mysterious stepwell

It is said that this treasury built centuries ago has hidden treasure worth billions of rupees, not only that it has a network of tunnels that go to Delhi, Hisar and Lahore? But there is no mention of these things in history. There are some such questions which remain a mystery to the people even today.

There is a network of tunnels in the stepwell

According to a Persian language inscription at Bawdi, the waterfall of this paradise was built in 1658-59 AD by Saidu Kalal, the Subedar of the then Mughal King Shah Jahan. There is a well in it, 101 steps have to be descended to reach it. It also has many rooms, which were built for the comfort of passers by that time. The stepwell is getting dilapidated due to lack of proper care by the government. Its turret and mandar have fallen. The water inside the well has turned black.

Knowledgeable thief buried the treasure of billions

Although many stories have been created about this stepwell, but the main one is the story of the knowledgeable thief. It is said that a knowledgeable thief was a vicious thief who robbed the rich and leaped into this stepwell and disappeared and came out again the next day for the journey. It is estimated by the people that all the money looted by the knowledgeable thief is present in this stepwell. According to folk beliefs, the treasure of billions of the knowledgeable thief is buried in it.

Whoever went in search of this treasure got lost in the maze of this stepwell and became a mystery. People say that the famous knowledgeable thief of that time used to hide here to escape the police after stealing. Many experts call this place the resting place of the forces. He says that after the mutual fighting in the princely states, the army of kings used to rest here at night. Due to shade and water facilities, this place was safe for them.

Friends, see you in the next post, where you will give information about the next new news and some similar historical place, friends, we take you goodbye till then good bye

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