A story Of ghost House | Horrors story

A story Of ghost House[Part 1] | Horrors story 

Friends, though you may have heard many stories, but only a few percent of them are correct and the rest are wrong and some of us believe in it and some people do not. By the way, it is a matter of let's start today's ghost story.

Friends, this story is based on a haunted mansion. Wherever he went, he did not come back till today and when we came to know about this, we thought of going there and when we went, we found something that we were surprised to see and hear. And let me explain this whole story to you. Friends, May and my friends were the most different from the school itself, now you will ask how we will tell you. Friends I kk long ago believed in ghosts and I was very scared in my childhood but since I saw ghosts, I am not afraid of ghosts. And since then I have been searching for a place where there are ghosts.

Here is my story, now let's talk about my friends. I have 2 friends whose story is also like this, that people are not even afraid of ghosts. Some people call us ghosts and some people call them ghosthunters. Our school has been completed and we have enrolled ourselves in collage. After a few days everyone from our collage is going for picnic and we are going to have a haunted mansion nearby. And we are going to have 3 friends. We have searched a lot about that place and found out that whoever goes there never comes back to that mansion. We heard the same thing everywhere and we thought that now let's finger it because this is our habit.

We left for our picnic from the collage and after a few hours we reached where we had to reach. All my companions stayed at the same picnic and we left for 3 friends mansion. While walking, a dense forest came where many human bones were thrown and after seeing this, we slowly came to know about what is the secret behind this haunted mansion.

After some time, we reached that mansion and as soon as we entered that mansion, suddenly there was a sound of shouting that we were scared of someone. And thinking that we had gone behind that voice for a long time, we had gone to the mansion and we had lost our way in that mansion. Then suddenly a severed human hand came in front of us and we were scared to see him. And Syed took advantage of this thing, he sent many such ghosts to scare us, on which many people would get scared but we were not scared because we knew that those souls in this mansion scared everyone in the night time And kills. And it was still day, we also chased all those ghosts and suddenly came to know one such thing, do not ask, my friend had come to the toilet loudly, then he said that brother, you people, I will come and that one of the arms Walked on the way.

And after going some distance, he restroomed and as he was toiletting that a human body came in front of him and he did not see that he was toiletting his head upwards and looking at the mansion. When he woke up on the toilet, he saw that he was toilet on top of a human body, seeing that he could do it because if we go over anything, the ground is not flat and he was toilet on Jha There the ground was flat, then if he touched that body, he could not touch it. Now his truth has changed. Looking around more, he had set up a vfx system in one corner of the wall above so that the ghost or spirit could create and control it, he immediately told us this by calling and we reached him while tracking his location. We went and then we saw him and followed him. At some distance, we found a closed puranic type of room, from outside, we did not think that there would be anything in that room. Then we went and tried to open that door. But he was not ready to open.

Moreover, we did not have time to find the key to that door because it was going to be night in no time. We tried hard to open that door but not open, so we tried to hack the EYE sensor installed in that door and hacked and then as soon as we entered the room, seeing that room, our eyes turned to Chana Chowk. Because the entire set was inside that room as if a film was suiting, then tried to close it but failed. We thought to crack it through hacking. But even if we hacked, because our phone's battery was exhausted, we made a working charger to charge our phone and charged our phone by 1 by 1. And as soon as our phone battery was charged, we started the process of cracking it. After some time, that hack happened but not completely as we wanted, so we made a phone a remote so that it could control it.

After all this, we proceeded towards the caves built in that room and as soon as we entered that cave a sudden sound came from the alarm of the mind. After listening to that voice, we ignored it and after some time, when the voices of some feet started moving, we went to a place and hid from there. Then we saw that some men are carrying weapons in our hands, so our mind has now changed to believe that this is happening as if something big. Now, while catching the paths of that cave, we went into a pit and fell, seeing the scene there, we had gone mad.

Because there was something like that. There were gold, silver jewelery and pearls all around, Mano's that we are in the cave of Ali Baba Chalish Chor, after going some distance we heard a voice Mano's someone is asking for help from us. We followed that voice and reached where that voice was coming from. There was a man who was tied with big iron chains, he asked for help from us, we helped him and got him freed from those chains. When we asked him he told that he is a magician. And he has a lot of magic and he was the king of the magician. He told that all these pearls and gold and silver belong to him and some people are stealing it.

Friends, soon you will get the 2nd part of this story. Hope you liked this post.

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