Story of the white tree | Horror story

Story of the white tree | best horror story

Friends, this is the case in 2002 when people used to have neither mobile nor means of transport, people used to travel their distance on foot. This is the case that in the same year of 2002 in Haiderpur, a small village in the state of Bihar, such an incident flew the senses of the valley and this incident was heartbreaking and very frightening and scary.
In today's time people do not believe in ghosts, but even today there are some people who believe in them. There was some similar problem in Hyderpur village where a lot of people used to believe in ghosts or it should be said that equal people believed in them. One day something happened in the village that no one would have thought or dreamed.
Let's go a few days before the incident and know what happened. There was a school at a distance of a few kilometers from Hyderpur village, where all the children of Hyderpur village used to go to study and a mango tree was found in the way they used to go. After leaving school, all the children used to go under that mango tree and broke the mango and ate it. One day something happened, what happened, suddenly some children disappeared from the village, people searched a lot but could not find them, then the other day those children were hanging on the branches of that mango tree and it seemed that the children had some He has scratched a lot on the body of the people with his nails. When people arrived, they saw that the children were hanging on the branches of the mango tree. Those people took down those children and saw that those children were dead. People said that these children must have fallen while playing and they must have died, but there was such a success that they all knew that they said that these children had killed that phantom, but people ridiculed them. No one has trusted him.
After that day, all the children who passed by that mango tree felt that a woman was coming after them and calling them to them. And something happened not only to the children but to all of them, those children told this thing to their housemates, then their housemates considered their talks a joke. After a few days, again the same voice started coming and the children said that after the woman came back, yet no one believed. When the children slept at night, they used to indulge in anything, it seemed that they were talking to someone and this happened to all the children and the people came to know about this, then they told their children to stop playing now. 
You play in two days and spend the night at night. On the second day, when the children were coming home from school, then there was a sound of calling someone, and this time there was something that people believed and took some tough steps.Suddenly, when all the children came home from school, there were marks on their face and body on their nails and it had happened to all of them, so that someone felt that they had taken a lot of nails. People stopped the children from going to school, after a few days, suddenly all the wells got dry, then they called a panchayat to get some solution from this problem, people said that if the new wells are dug, the head of the village Said that if we dug new wells, then all such water will be dried and if we get new water taps then it will not cause this problem. People approved on this matter, now the work of water tap was started.
It had been months, people fed the water of the pond and finished the water tap in a few days while doing their work, and all are gone, now there will be no problem. I was able to see that these children would be near that mango tree, when people went near that tree, then those children were lying under that tree and it was like they had happened to those children a few days ago.  People thought that they cut that tree and after some time, cut that tree, as soon as the tree was cut that the tree suddenly became like a man, for many years, it had not got water, people started digging from the root. Given that, after digging, some white Sadiya got there, those people burnt it and also burnt the tree, now it was all quiet but there is still one thing that makes the mind think, in today's time Children who are born Those children still have all the dreams that all those children had before.
Friends, in this story we will only get so much with the next new story, now we will have to give permission to go with the next new story.

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